"The term "Trojan horse" is used metaphorically to mean any trick or strategy that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected place; or to deceive by appearance, hiding malevolent intent in an outwardly benign exterior; to subvert from within using deceptive means."

They roll these Trojan Horses up to the doors of debate "Assault Weapons" "Hate Speech" Both of these are "foot-in-the-door" provisions, or concepts, if you will. Once the populace has been convinced of the dangers of "assault weapons", and agree to make possession of these death machines illegal, soon thereafter, as if my magic, the definition of the term expands, and more "assault weapons" are added to the list. One can assault someone with a large stick, capable of cracking a skull, BAN LARGE STICKS!! As to "Hate Speech", THAT is a breathtaking deceit. Who decides what constitutes "hate speech"? Our lunatic neighbors to the north have decided that "mis-gendering" someone is a prosecutable offense!!! A government that forces it's citizen to speak AND BELIEVE what they know to be untrue, not connected to reality, imagine that! Orwell did. There can ONLY be Free Speech. Having said that, one MUST admit this; The rise of the internet has enabled like-minded ppl to connect in ways that were impossible before. It also allows these "like-minded-ppl" to exist in a vacuum, an echo chamber, where never is heard an opposing word. There are chat-rooms and websites that can be truly frightening. The extremes of the left & the right are off-the-rails loony tunes, and "networking" with these "like-minded-ppl" reinforces the beliefs of these cultists in their writhing little minds. So yes, one can perceive potential dangers in all of this. But one sees no solution. Once the government gets into the censoring business we're screwed. But if a platform or their owners are free to censor speech on their sites, then the CREATING and FOSTERING of certain "like-minded-ppl" presents a clear and present danger. (take a bow Microsoft). So here we are in the 21st century and debate and discussion have become dying arts. An "online" friend recently remarked that its refreshing that he and I can discuss, with respect & civility a wide variety of subjects, many of which we're on opposite sides. And the sad truth behind that simple declaration clouded my day. Even here on ello I have been blocked by ppl who've expressed opinion on various subject & I offered counterpoints. The ONLY response was to immediately block me. (I was crushed, believe me) To ello's credit, they have let me post as I will and have never bothered me or warned me......Though I'm sure I'll never make their "featured" page. Frankly I wonder if my few followers are notified when I post. But hey, s'ok with me. "I'm a little too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity....." If you'd like to see something that'll blow your mind, at your next social gathering say something in praise of some of the policies of Donald Trump's presidency. There will, inevitably, be some in the crowd who'll INSTANTLY become snarling snapping yowling cretins confronting you, condemning you, dismissing you. Here on ello, blocking (me) you. And all of this is no accident. We have been deliberately "atomized" as a culture, as a country, by forces so far behind the scene as to be invisible. Forces which seek to destroy what is, in order to rebuild as they think it should be. Taking their cue from physics they realized that destroying a society could be done in the same way that matter is destroyed. Atomize and agitate the elements. Identify myriad sub-groups, "demographics", and convince them they're victims. Develop "networks" for "like-minded-ppl" who can then exist in their private echo chambers. More and more we see people wrapped in the protective bubble of their phones, on the street, in diners, and fancy restaurants, in their cars.


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